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The project encourages the collaboration of external stakeholders belonging to the solar fuels value of chain.

The project encourages the collaboration of external stakeholders belonging to the solar fuels value of chain.

This new H2020 project that will develop innovative photonic devices for highly efficient, sunlight-fueled chemical processes. The projects aims at demonstrating an innovative process for the production of solar fuels, where the photonic device will facilitate efficient sunlight-powered conversion of CO2 and green H2 to the chemical fuel CH4 (Sabatier process) and to CO (reverse water gas shift process, rWGS) as starting material for production of the chemical fuel CH3OH. An internationa consortium of 12 partners led by TNO.

All stakeholders belonging to these categories will be invited to actively participate along the whole duration of the project:

What are the advantages of being a spotlight stakeholder?

YOU ARE INFORMED: these stakeholders will receive fact sheets; bulletins and letters; public presentations and reports; media releases

YOU ARE INVOLVED: these stakeholders will be involved in surveys; focus groups; one-to-one meetings; public workshops;

YOU ARE PART OF THE DECISION MAKING PROCESS: these stakeholders will be involved in multi-stakeholder forums; advisory panels; consultative committees; participatory decision making processes; workshops

YOU ARE A REFERENCE: these stakeholders will collaborate with reference groups; joint projects; multi-stakeholder initiatives; partnership