Lab exchange: “transfer of lab-scale syntheses to a larger scale”
Lab exchange: "transfer of lab-scale syntheses to a larger scale". A total profit for SPOTLIGHT. Within the SPOTLIGHT project, TNO develops lab-scale wet-chemical syntheses of plasmonic catalysts and analyses their performance in in catalytic processes. Fraunhofer is responsible for the upscaling of the developed lab-scale to large batch syntheses (up to
A reactor equipped with a plasmonic catalyst to produce either methane or carbon monoxide is being developed for operation under concentrated sunlight
In the SPOTLIGHT project, a reactor equipped with a plasmonic catalyst to produce either methane or carbon monoxide is being developed for operation under concentrated sunlight. The SPOTLIGHT consortium will test a prototype in the solar furnace at DLR in Cologne, Germany. Here, a heliostat reflects sunlight upon a concentrator, which